Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thanksgiving Preperation

As Thanksgiving was getting closer, Josie would ask,"When do we get to go to Grandma Berning's house and shine the fruit and fold the napkins?" Last year some of the kids helped my mom set the table and get the fruit basket ready for Thanksgiving day. The kids really enjoyed helping out and really looked forward to helping out again this year. This years helpers were: Emma, Josie, Karley, Brielle, John and Willa

Here was their process:
1. Clear the dining room table off and lay the table cloth out ( I was tending to Tessa and missed this part of everyone helping with the table cloth

2. Shine the apples and bananas with a little water and a towel (Emma took care arranging the fruit in their basket)

3. Wash the grapes and dab them on your towel to dry them a little
4. After the fruit is cleaned, shined and arranged, it's time to top it off with some peanuts

5. After the tray is prepared, it's time to carry it over to the dinning room table. It takes everyone's help because it does get a little heavy! This is placed in the middle of the table with decorations and candles around it. They started decorated from the middle on out.
6. Next comes folding the napkins into triangles
7. Now it's time to bring the glass plates and glasses over and place the napkins on the table
8. Get out the nice silverware and place them on the right sides of the plate

9. Stand back and look at how beautiful the table looks for Thanksgiving Day
The kids had a great time and it was fun to listen to their conversations as they were helping and working with each other! On Thanksgiving they were very proud to show everyone what they did to help! It was a great Thanksgiving!!

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