Thursday, May 8, 2014

Brotherly Love

!Connor LOVES to play and be around Anna. He is a great big helper who gets her out of bed almost every morning and talks so gentle and sweet to her as they look to find me. One day he was gone most of the night and got home just as I was putting Anna to bed and he said, "Don't put her to bed yet, I haven't gotten to play with her yet." So he played with her for about five minutes and then put her to bed! I love watching him with her!


Tessa also loves being able to be a "Twin" with Karley!

Lacey and Karley

Lacey is growing!


Tessa enjoys it when her and Anna have matching outfits! This day they were wearing their "Coaching" outfits according to their older siblings!

Black Eye

One night Connor comes home from pitching practice with is eye looking like this!! Pitching had nothing to do with it! He as practicing picking off and slide back into first base and hit the first baseman's knee! It was rather swollen for awhile, but now it was pretty much returned to normal!


Sometimes the girls get a mood have dressing up and making sure they have a "BIG" butt! This day Karley was lucky one with the help of her sisters!!

Tessa's Bath Moustache

Doctor, Doctor...

The girls are quite the "Doctors" at home. Dr. Emma and Dr. Josie have learned a lot about performing surgeries from a website that allows them to perform virtual surgeries: heart, nose, knee, etc. Below they were putting their "education" into action! Their patients were excellent and got the best treatment!
Josie checking out Tessa's ears.

Emma giving Karley medicine to take before hand.

Pie treat for Karley after surgery. 

Tessa's treat from the Treasure Chest!

Next patient, Anna.

Josie giving her a shot.

Anna was very well behaved for her first visit.

Surgical tools to start with for Karley's "Knee Surgery."

Stabilizing the knees.

Checking out some "X-rays" under the light.

An I V in her arm.

Wrapping the knee

"Breathing tubes" during surgery and recovery

15 minutes into surgery

Knee x-ray

Resting peacefully 

Josie explaining the x-ray and where two "bones" (the pieces she has in her hand) were fixed.
All went well and Karley recovered very quickly!!!