Friday, February 21, 2014

Cousin Sleep over

Willa and Tessa have been asking for a sleep over for about a week and it finally happened! What's fun about going to your cousins house? Wearing their coat, boots and earmuffs and then of course everyone wearing their monkey p.j.s! O yeah, and playing with the Emma and Josie's dolls while they are away! It was fun to watch and listen to these three play together while the older siblings were at a hockey game.

Bucket Heads

What to do on a "snow" day when there is no school and it didn't snow, it mostly rained? Put a bucket on your head and head outside to run around! It was raining pretty hard at times. The kids had a grand time! They came in drenched from shoulder to toes; at least their head was dry!!!

Happy 6th Birthday Karley!!!!!!

What a big 6 year old! She had a great day! She wanted pancakes shaped as a 6 for supper and wanted to go to Yo So Sweet for dessert! In the morning, she hoped some presents. Karley brings many laughs and smiles to our faces and she also is very strong willed and giving. We love you for who you are!

When we got home, Karley had a special delivery from your Godfather Donny! Thanks!

Bouncing Cushions

Connor and Joise had Anna entertained as she sat on the cushions and Connor bounced them around as Josie held on to her! It was fun to hear the giggles coming from everyone!


Watching a video of Mom (me) dancing with my staff at Mazzuchelli Catholic Middle School!
They were impressed by their mom's moves!

Karley and Tessa

These two are ready for some fun in the snow!

Hairy Dude

The girls lasted picture!
Yes, that is real hair on his chest! (Thanks to hair from a hair brush!)

Valentine's Day

What a great day we had!! Terry was out of town for the week, but surprised me at school with a Barbershop Quartet!! The kids woke up to little heart chocolates (they have always wanted this), soft Valentine socks and red-velvet pancakes! After school, Connor had a game and he got a nice compliment for helping a fellow player out. My parents, Penny and the kids and I went to Sunshine Restaurant to eat and a kind gentleman paid for most of the meal!! Then the kids and I came home to play and watch some of the Olympics. We are truly blessed and loved!!!!!! 

Yes, Connor does comb his hair before going to school!!

Winter Birthday Party 2014

Feb. 1 was the perfect day for the Winter Birthday party! The weather was beautiful with a fresh layer of snow to top it off! We thank Carol and Ted Murray for hosting again this year. This was the first year we actually got to go sledding! I would have had more pictures but I was to busy sledding myself. One of my highlights was being able to go sledding with my dad! This year we also had car racing entertainment in the garage for a couple of hours! Of our family, Emma had a high of 83 laps!! Another great family celebration!!

Missing: Dorothy Jo and Bob (Tessa needed her mom at this time.)
 Thanks Heather for the wonderful cakes again:


Another snow day = homemade play dough from conditioner and cornstarch

Notice Connor's black eye from a bump from Josie's head!