Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Welcome Tessa Ann Belken!!

We are very proud to welcome Tessa into our family!!
She was born Wednesday, August 25, 2010 at 8:08p. and was 7.2 lbs and 20.5 inches long.

The day seemed to fly by. I taught all day at school, came home to do some things around the house, went to a 4:oopm doctor appt., came home and got the girls , made supper and cleaned up. Terry and Connor had football practice, but I did tell Terry to have his phone near by. After that I asked Emma if she could walk her sisters up to Becky's house and Emma asked why? I responded, "Because I think the baby is going to be born tonight!" They were all excited and held hands while they crossed the street and up the hill they went! I called Terry shortly afterwards and said that he should head home! He got home around 7:00pm. I had things packed and ready to go!

We got to the hospital and checked in. We got settled into our room and things started to progress more! Tessa was born at 8:08pm. The little stinker had her head backwards so she gave me some major back pain, but that was all forgotten once she was born! Terry said he knew it was a girl!

Terry then went to get the kids since it was a little after 8:00pm. They came up and didn't know if it was boy or a girl! Tessa still had her neutral colored hat on. They guessed girl and one said boy. They were excited and wanted to hold her right away! All of them gave her kisses and got their chance to hold her. Karley insisted that she was Mommy's baby and that Dad should give her to Mom. Terry then took them home before 9:00pm.

After they left, Tessa and I settled in as we waited for Terry to return. We were almost ready for bed by 10:00pm like a regular night!!

I think back to how fast everything went the new precious little girl we added to our family! We have been truly blessed!


With the hot and rainy days of summer, Connor and Emma have found many games to entertain themselves. They really enjoy playing games: Sorry, Uno, Sequence (kids), Hi Ho Cherry Ho, and card games. Their favorite lately has been War and Slap- Jack. Yes, they are both big competitors! The other thing they entertain themselves with Josie and Karley is school!


About a month ago, my uncle Dave passed away and the kids went to the wake and funeral mass with me. The kids have been to a wake before, but it has been awhile. This time they were more aware of what was happening and had some questions. Since then, they have been playing funeral. They start with a whole procession of carrying items down the aisle with singing as they walk. Then the last item to brought down is the "bunny". After they lay the bunny down they kneel in front of it and say a prayer and sing. Notice what they have: a pictures (suppose to be of the bunny), candles, and a scented candle (representing the incense in church). It's amazing what they pick up and the fine details they notice.

First Day of School

The kids had their first day of school on August 24, 2010. They were all very excited. Connor is in 4th grade with Mrs. Massey-Watters, Emma is in 2nd with Mr. McDonald and Josie is in Kindergarten with Mrs. Vance. Connor and Emma were informing Josie what everything was going to be like since they have been to Holy Ghost before and had Mrs. Vance! They were all very excited about school when they got home. Josie did make a couple of comments about school being long and if I could pick her up after gym, art or music. This week seems to be better for her and she's not asking to be picked up. Connor and Emma are really enjoying their teachers.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bike riders

Lately, the kids have been on a biking kick! Usually after 7:00 p.m. (when it cools down a little), everyone heads out for a ride. If Terry is working late, the Connor and Emma take off and I walk with Karley (sometimes she rides her little bike)while Josie rides her bike with training wheels. Terry takes Josie and Karley on the back of his and Emma and Connor conquer the hills themselves. I usually hang out at home (since I don't have a bike) or walk behind them. They usually ride up to Wahlert and ride around their parking lot for awhile. It's a fun family activity that everyone enjoys (especially the kids, riding down the hills!)


One of the kids favorite things to do since little on is to play puppy!! They get out bowls and fill them with water and another one with some food (shredded cheese, crackers or cereal). The kids and I were putting up the baby bed the other day and before we could finish with the final touches, they started playing puppies and using the bed as their pen. Josie was the owner and brought them their water and food. And as you see, they do drink out of it just like puppies do!
Later they decided to play cops and robbers with the crib!


Baseball has come to an end for the year and the Hawks won the end of the year tournament! They had a very successful season! All the practices really paid off!

11th Anniversary

On July 31, Terry and I celebrated our 11 year anniversary. Where does time go?? We had a great day as a family and then a date night! The kids had fun knowing it was our anniversary and had lots of questions to ask and they knew Mom and Dad were going on a date that night. Emma made a snack for us (the fruit tray and glass of milk below) and Josie was ALL about what I was going to wear that night. She picked out a black dress, my sandals and earrings! She said that I looked beautiful! What more could you ask for!!


This summer the kids have loved going to parks for picnics and to play. We have been to several different ones this summer. Here we are Arboretum: we started off with eating pizza in the park, playing on the play ground, walking through the flowers and seeing the gold fish. Josie is the one who will ask daily, "Can we go to the park today?"