Monday, April 1, 2013

Sunday night activities

As you have read from earlier post, Sunday was a day of no T.V. and computers for out Lenten observance.  Below are some of the fun activities/ games we played as a family.
Puppets that Emma and Josie made out of paper and then put a 20 min. play on for the family to watch. Later Connor made his own puppets for a show also.

Nerf gun wars: this was very popular. One team would wait upstairs  while the other team would hide downstairs. Then the other team would head downstairs and try to shot the hiding team.

 Hide- n- Seek:
This has been a very popular game at our house since all the kids have been little. Each time, the kids are gettting better and better at hiding. Their dad has taught them well. Here are a couple of creative hiding spots.

Emma checking behind some towels looking for her siblings. No one was there this time, but have been in the past.
Blankets usually dry on Terry's inverted table, but  tonight, Terry is hiding behind the  blanket. Can you tell he is there?

Josie tried a new spot.. in the dryer! She was the last one to be found!

Though this isn't the best picture, Connor has a blue shirt on that matches the curtains and is hiding behind  some containers.

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