Thursday, July 21, 2011

Berning Family Reunion

Willa cooling off my the fan

Kickball game between older cousins and younger cousins.. Some Uncles even stepped in and kicked the ball

Kids had fun pulling this old cart around

Willa, John, Karley, Emma, Josie and Brielle eating some lunch and many of them had an ice cream cone(s) for dessert~

Mom and Dad, along with great help from us kids hosted the Berning Reunion July 10 at the farm. What a good time. There were so many activities for all the kiddos and adults. There was a real ice cream machine, provided by My uncle, Doug Hilby, a kickball game, cows, chickens, lambs, ponies, four wheeler rides. It was a hot day- but we had a couple little showers that lasted for a minute or two to just cool us all down and a sprinkler to run through for everyone and we were able to continue on with the festivities. It was a great time had by all!

Here is a quote from an email written by another one of My uncles, Jerry Berning.
"Doug may have made the most friends on Sunday. He was visited by every attendee one or more times. The votes have not come in yet as to whether he had the most popular attraction at the Berning Bonanza. How about the Shetland Pony Hitch and JD 4-wheeler and the 2-wheeled cart, the chickens, the cow milking contest, the kick ball game, the dog escape show, the smorgasboard, etc?... Ellen stated that she called Bernadette with the good news this morning, Tues. Jim Schneider was about to take his dog for a walk or something, and this dog jumped into his arms.
Ellen & John and family are heading for Mt Carroll for a few days. They should receive the entertainer of the year award."

Yes, one of My cousin's dog went missing during the festivities as well, luckily with a lot of prayers and help he was found.

(Thanks Natalie for the summary of the day!)

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