Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Emma's First Communion

On May 1st, Emma made her First Communion at Holy Ghost Church at 9:30A.M. It was a beautiful sunny day though the air was cold and very windy. She was very excited for her big day!! Connor coached her on she was going to have to do. He also told her that the wine taste bad at first but you eventually get use to it! He was also excited for her because he wanted to serve even though he wasn't down too and wanted Carte to serve with him. He later told her that when Josie makes her First Communion that Emma and him could serve for it! After Mass, we had the family and Father Tom over to our house for lunch and play time! Emma really enjoyed her day!!

Showered up and ready to get dressed!

Emma wanted Stacy to come over to put her hair up! (Thanks Stacy!)

Family picture before leaving for Mass.

Emma was a little nervous about walking down the aisle at first but did a great job!

Standing by the alter during the Our Father

Receiving her First Communion

Proud Servers

Banner Emma made for her pew

Emma wanted me to make a loaf of homemade bread to share with our family before we ate lunch. This was her sharing of the bread like she received at Mass.

Emma received many wonderful gifts that she really enjoys! Some things she received were: a rosary with her name on it, All Saints Book, St. Theresa statue, cross, Rosary book, cards and money.

Thanks everyone for celebrating her special day with us!!

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