Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Belken Diner

The kids LOVE to play with play food! They like to prepare meals for the family, make up their own recipes and play diner. This usually takes place in the front room by the piano. On this day, Connor and Josie were the workers and Emma, Karley, Tessa, Terry and I were the customers. Connor and Josie would have ALL the food displayed in the piano (they were just getting started here), set up their cash register and had some bags on hand to pack the food up. Connor went and got his spare change to use as real money. This was a great idea because once things got up and running he would tell us how much we owed and then we would have to count the money out. Connor would recount it to make sure it was right and practiced giving change back when we paid too much!

Emma placed her order here and Josie bagged everything up in the white bag for her while Connor took the money.

When we were done eating our food, we would put it back in the bag and through our "trash" in a plastic container. Josie and Connor would then empty the trash and restock their food supply!
Great way of recycling!!

After awhile, they would all switch positions and take turns working. Connor then would pay them a little for working since he was the "owner".

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