Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Baily Ford Park

Connor and Terry have really enjoyed going trout fishing and have found many new spots; it has been their favorite thing to do on the weekend if it works out. This particular one they really liked because Connor thought it would be a great place for his sisters to come along because they could fish or play on the playground. This is Baily Ford Park in Manchester. A couple of Saturdays ago it was a great November day and Connor wanted to take the WHOLE family fishing here. So we packed up and headed out! It was a great day weather wise and a great family outing.

This is how clear the water was in the creek; you could literally see the fish swim by!

Terry standing in the middle of the creek trying his luck!

Emma trying her luck from the bridge!

Connor trying his luck a little ways down stream!

Unfortunately, we didn't have any luck with the fish. Terry came close a couple of times, but the water was so clear that once they notice him, they took off even after many attempts to hide from them as well!

While the boys continued to fish, the girls and I went on a hike on the different trails. They had a great time discovering and observing nature. Before Emma, Karley and Tessa joined on the trails, we went jogging to check the trails out. Josie thought that was great exercise!!

Hiking up the steps!

Stopping MANY times along the way to decide what path to take next, look at leaves, pick up sticks and leaves (Karley came home with two pockets full) and just looking at different trees. The girls favorite were the pinkish/reddish leaves they found. They filled their pockets with them!

After walking the different trails, we headed over to the playground. The girls played there for a long time!

This was the girls favorite thing to play on: the wooden train! I enjoyed just watching and listening to them play!

A picture of the kids and me while eating a little snack before getting ready to go!

Karley catching a nap on the way home. The rings around her neck are from a twister game she brought a long to play with in the van when we left. She was playing with rings and the purple connectors the whole ride. This is what she looked like after falling asleep!

Also on our way home, we stopped for a late lunch and then we stopped by the Delhi Damm to show the kids what it looked like. They found that quite interesting. As they were walking along the bank with Terry they even found a part of a door with its handle and other household items and parts.

It was a great day.... Great idea Connor!!!!!

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