Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Nativity Story

Dad started a new tradition a couple of years ago where he reads the Nativity story and then everyone plays a part of putting everything in place in the manger. Connor and Emma play music throughout the reading while we all take turns bringing a statue to place in the manger. 
Tessa placing her sheep in the manger.

This year Terry and I brought up Mary and Joesph while Josie got to place baby Jesus in.

Tessa giving Grandpa a hug afterwards.

Connor and Emma taking turns playing songs throughout the story.

Winter outside fun

On Saturday, December 22, we celebrated Christmas at the farm! It was a fun-filled day! Most of the afternoon was spent outside playing: sledding, playing snow football, going for gator rides and making snow angels!

Josie, Brielle and Karley playing in the snow.

Tim taking John and Lincoln for a sledding ride.

Matt tackling someone during a football game.

Natalie showing Willa how to make a snow angel.

Berning Family Photos

22 grandchildren (Louis was sleeping)

Family picture

My family!

Belken Christmas

On Friday, December 21, we celebrated Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa Belken, Scott and Sydney. The kids enjoyed all their gifts: some clothes and toys!


Emma and Josie's first snowman on of the year!

Sleeping Buddies

Tessa likes to move around while sleeping and so sometimes ends up sleeping on Connor!

Nativity TEA Party

This year the Sinsinawa Mound hosted their first Nativity- Tea Party for mothers, daughters and their dolls. The girls were very excited to get their themselves and their dolls ready. It was a wonderful mother daughter afternoon. Kristen and Brielle joined us! We had a lot of goodies to eat and drink. They are already talking about going again next year with the rest of their cousins!


John and Karley sleeping by the Christmas tree!

Night of Fun

One Friday night, we had Brielle, John and Ted over and then Grandma and Grandpa Berning came by for piano lessons. While lessons were going on, here was was happening: John and Connor took Grandpa on in Hockey, Connor and Grandpa finished making some cookies while Josie took to one beater to like clean and then Josie being Joise and Tessa helping Grandpa feed Ted his bottle!

St. Nick

Below are some pictures from St.Nick. Connor started making his tradition to sleep in front of the tree and shoes that night. This year again Connor and Emma wrote notes to him asking him his age. They were all excited the next morning to see what they got: a piece of fruit, gum, a little candy and some nuts.

St. Nick morning all gathered around the tree!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Sewing 101

Emma has really been enjoying learning how to sew from Grandma Berning. She has helped make a bag and below some recycled dresses. The the design layout from her cousin Elly.

Karley's Domain

Here is one of Karley's many spots she likes to make around the house. She always as a style of her own when it comes time to organizing and decorating it!


About after eight weeks of lessons, the girls got to invite one person to come to their ballet lesson to watch. Of course, I got to go and see everything they are learning. It was a lot of fun to see smiles on their faces and what they have learned so far. Below are some pictures of what I saw.